Thought Leader Maria Boznovska: 2019 AusMumpreneur Awards Nominee

Posted by on Jul 4, 2019 in Latest News | No Comments

Author, thought leader and mindset coach Maria Boznovska has been nominated in two categories in the upcoming AusMumpreneur Awards, to be held in Melbourne in September. The Sydney-based mum-of-four has garnered attention for her work in human potential and empowerment, as well as her heart-led input to her Live Gratefully community—a social group of 22,000 ...

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How to Choose Gratitude Over Consumerism this Christmas

Posted by on Nov 23, 2016 in Latest News | No Comments

Author, thought leader and motivational speaker Maria Boznovska’s personal lessons of “filling the gap with gratitude” — With Christmas comes calls for gift giving; hurried dashes to the mall that include, for many, going into credit card debt to fulfill the overwhelming pressure of needing to ensure Santa is a jolly generous fellow. While the ...

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