You’ve Been Diagnosed with Diabetes. Now What?

Posted by on Jul 15, 2014 in Latest News | No Comments

280 Australians develop diabetes every single day*. Even more are thought to live with symptoms, yet remain undiagnosed. It’s estimated 3.2 million Australians live with symptoms of Type I and II Diabetes. While the statistics are alarming, there is hope: researchers agree that 58 per cent of Type II diabetes sufferers may be able to ...

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Janella Purcell Named Lifestream Australia Brand Ambassador

Posted by on Jun 13, 2014 in Latest News | No Comments

Leading nutritionist and chef, Janella Purcell, has been announced as the brand ambassador for Lifestream Australia—one of the country’s most premium and trusted wholefood and supplement brands. A sought-after naturopath, nutritionist, medical herbalist, environmentalist, TV presenter and chef, Purcell has joined Lifestream as a natural health educator and ambassador of such wholefood products as Spirulina, ...

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